Saturday, January 26, 2008

Too many Propositions

I have been researching the propositions on the ballot for the upcoming election on Feb. 5, especially prop. 92, and I have realized I thing for sure and that is there are too many Proposition on the ballot.

Propositions are not necessarily a bad thing, but with so many on the ballot this year and with the presidential primary at stake as well how really has the time to make an informed decision about propositions to vote yes on and what ones to vote no on.

In the past, I have always voted no on the propositions that were on the ballot because I thought to myself is this not the job of the elected officials, that’s what we pay them for don’t we.

However, this year is different, at least for me, because there is a proposition that directly affects college students, Prop. 92, so I took the time and researched and I still haven’t figured out which way I will vote.

Both sides make a compiling argument, but which side is right and what are they not telling me.

I just think that the people that have the time to read each law carefully enough to make an educated decision are the one people that are elected as our representatives and if they make a mistake then we fire them and hire new leaders.

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