Saturday, April 19, 2008

A day late or a story short

This last week we came out a day later than usual but it was for a good reason.

There was a story developing and it was in our best interest to come out a day late.

The Board of Trustees has been contemplating whether what action if any was going to be taken in the matter of school president Dr. Noelia Vela.

There was a board meeting on Wednesday night and there was an item on the agenda pertaining to the situation.

Therefore, if we came out on Wednesday we would have missed the story if anything had happened.

Nothing did come out of the meeting but it was still crucial that I held off.

If I did not hold the paper one and a decisions was made then I would have not been able to put it into print until a week later.

This whole, Dr. Vela situation has actually been a great learning experience for me.

Watching the whole thing unfold and hearing all the stories that people have on their dealings with Dr. Vela has been eye opening.

No matter what the outcome the Board of trustees needs to come to a conclusion so everyone can get on with the business of education.

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